Raven Huna Academy
Huna Pathfinders Course
This course is an in depth, yearlong course. In this course you and your cohort will have the opportunity to take a deep dive into the world of Hawaiian shamanism. There will be monthly online meetings, as the cohort is able to meet, and in person retreats to meet and practice.
You will learn and practice:
the 7 principles, the 3 selves, and 4 selves.
You will learn some of the healing techniques:
Kupono, Ho’o ponopono, Kahi Loa, and healing with the Hawaiian goddess of the Kahili family tradition.
You will also learn Huna shamanic techniques and meditations.
Such as:
the tiki garden meditation, shamanic journeying, Piko Piko (Breath work), and the
La’a Kea (Aura healing and manifesting),
communicating with nature, and more.
The Course Structure
The courses will start when there is at least 3 individuals and no more than 6.
This is an in-depth course and you can take what is learned as far as you wish. I will be available by phone and email for participants of this course. Our hope is that when you complete this course you will feel empowered to live life the way you want to live it and help heal yourself and all toughs who wish healing in their lives.
In Person Retreats
There will be 4 in person Classes, retreats.
1. Foundations of Huna
This 1 day retreat will be out 1st meeting in which we will learn the 7 principles and some basic shamanic techniques that will start off our course.
2. Shamanic Skills
We will meet for 2 days and practice and learn even more shamanic skills.
3. Shamanic Healing
This 2-3 day retreat will be an in-depth look and practice at the healing practices if the Kahili Family tradition, including Kahi Loa and Kupono
4. Send Off to Heal!!
The finale meeting in which we will bring everything that we have learned together and party to celebrate the completion of the course.
Online Meetings
We will meet monthly at least to get together and discuss our experiences and offer everyone the chance to ask questions.
Course Pricing
If cost is a barrier please email me to discuss options.
Course pricing does not include lodging at retreats.
Quarterly Payments
Payment Option 1
4 payments to be paid before the in person retreats.