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Raven Huna Academy
Frequently Asked Questions​
Raven Huna
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is Huna?
2. What is Adventure Shamanism?
The 3/ 4 Selves
1. Ku: The Subconscious self who remembers
2. Lono: The Conscious self who imagines
3. Kane (Aumakua): The Higher self who inspires
4. Kanaloa: The Core self who wills
The 4 Levels of Reality
1. Ike Papakahi
The Objective Reality (Scientific)
2. Ike Papalua
The Subjective Reality (Psychic)
3. Ike Papakolu
The Shamanic Reality (Symbolic, Metaphorical)
4. Ike Papaha
The Mystical Reality (Everything is Holistic)
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